1 Cup

French Press

  • 18g (about 3 tbsp.) coarse ground coffee.
  • 270g (about 1 & 1/8 cup) water at 200-205*C
  • Ratio is 1:15 by weight.

Helpful Hints: Make sure to stir the brew after adding water. Then place the plunger slightly into the water to fully submerge the coffee grounds. With French Press, we brew for 4 min.


Cold Brew Concentrate French Press Method

  • 56g coarse ground coffee
  • 452g water at room temp.
  • Ratio is 1:8 by weight. This will be strong! Post-brew dilution may be needed.
  • Set up just like French Press, except brew time should be minimum 14 hours at room temp.

​Helpful Hints: Start the brew in the morning or afternoon to enjoy the next day. Before heading to bed, give the batch a stir. 19-22 hours yields a good strong cup. Transfer to another vessel and keep in the fridge for up to a week. Some fine grounds will settle to the bottom, so pour gently. For a cleaner and crisper cup, filter with cheesecloth or a coffee filter. Dilute with water after brewing, as needed.

1 Cup

Pour Over

  • 18g (about 3 tbsp.) medium-fine to medium ground coffee.
  • 288g (about 1 & 1/4 cup) water at 200-205*C
  • Ratio is 1:16 by weight.

Helpful Hints: Fresh coffee needs a good bloom to release remaining CO2 before extraction. First, pour just enough water to wet the grounds and wait about 45 seconds. Then pour the remaining water in 3 sets within about 3 minutes total to get a rich flavor.